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Reading Choice Board

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Minimalist UI Rounded Rectangle Element


Minimalist UI Callout Box Element

Complete Reading BINGO

How to use choice board

For reading logs in this course, you may submit any of the following options for credit. Submit evidence below in the form of a document, image, link, or description.

Rubrics for each choice are here.

Minimalist UI Text  Element

Share a Book Snap

photo blue icon



Rubric: How to earn points

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Level 4 - Mastery

Level 3 - Proficient

Level 2 - Developing

Level 1 - Limited Progress

1. Reading Response: Shows you thought about what you read.

Provides insightful and thoughtful responses to the text.

Offers mostly accurate and well-developed responses to the text.

Provides basic responses to the text.

Provides minimal or unclear responses to the text.

2. Textual Evidence: Shows you found meaning in what you read.

Provides abundant and compelling textual evidence.

Provides sufficient textual evidence.

Provides limited textual evidence.

Fails to provide adequate textual evidence.

3. Analysis: Shows you connect this to other things you've read.

Conducts thorough and sophisticated analysis of the text.

Conducts thoughtful analysis of the text.

Conducts basic analysis of the text.

Conducts superficial analysis of the text.

4. Organization: Your project clearly shows what you've read.

Demonstrates a well-structured and logical organization of ideas.

Demonstrates a mostly organized structure of ideas.

Demonstrates a basic organization of ideas.

Demonstrates a disorganized structure of ideas.

5. Language: Grade appropriate attention to spelling/grammar/usage.

Utilizes precise and sophisticated language.

Utilizes appropriate language.

Utilizes basic language.

Utilizes simplistic language.

6. Reflection: You thought about your thoughts and feelings as you read.

Demonstrates insightful and reflective thinking.

Demonstrates some reflective thinking.

Demonstrates limited reflective thinking.

Fails to demonstrate reflective thinking or self-assessment.



Earn any BINGO from this card. Click image to enlarge.

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Office Hours Occur Weekly. See my newsletter for the link:

  1. Check the schedule of the live office hours with the teacher.
  2. Prepare your notes about the book you read.
  3. Join the live office hours at the appointed time.
  4. Wait for your turn to share about the book you read.
  5. When it's your turn, briefly introduce the book and share your thoughts and insights about it.
  6. Be open to questions and feedback from the teacher and other participants.
  7. In Globe, submit date you shared your book.





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Here are the steps to completing a book report:

  1. Read the book thoroughly and take notes on important details.
  2. Write an introduction that includes the book's title, author, and a brief summary.
  3. Organize your thoughts and create an outline for your report.
  4. Write the body of your report, which should include a summary of the plot, character analysis, and your own thoughts and opinions on the book.
  5. Write a conclusion that summarizes your overall thoughts on the book and whether you would recommend it to others.
  6. Review and edit your report for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
  7. Submit file in GLOBE



Here are the steps to creating a visual representation of a book you read:

  1. Choose a book that you would like to represent visually.
  2. Read the book carefully and take note of the key themes, characters, and events that stood out to you.
  3. Decide on the type of visual representation you would like to create. This could be a map, a timeline, a chart, or even a series of illustrations.
  4. Gather any necessary materials, such as paper, markers, or digital design tools.
  5. Begin creating your visual representation, starting with the main themes or events of the book and branching out to include more details as needed.
  6. Use colors, symbols, and other design elements to make your representation visually appealing and easy to understand.
  7. Review your finished visual representation to make sure it accurately reflects the book and effectively conveys its key themes and ideas.
  8. Submit an image or video in GLOBE
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Here are the steps for sharing a book snap on Flip:

  1. Take a photo of your book.
  2. Use a photo editor to make notes of the page. Note important quotes and your reaction.
  3. Upload the photo to GLOBE



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  1. Choose a book to read.
  2. Read the book carefully, taking notes on key themes, characters, and plot points.
  3. Decide on the type of assignment you want to create. This could be a written report, a creative project, or something else entirely.
  4. Develop a clear outline for your assignment that includes the key elements you want to highlight from the book.
  5. Submit this outline to Mrs. Springer
  6. Start working on your assignment, making sure to follow your outline and include all necessary details.
  7. When you are finished, proofread and edit your work to make sure it is clear, concise, and error-free.
  8. Finally, submit your final project in GLOBE.